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San Marcos, CA

Testosterone Deficiency Men in Encinitas CA

A picture of Dr. Mark Stengler

Understanding Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (Hypogonadism)

Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome, also known as Hypogonadism, is a condition characterized by insufficient production of testosterone, the primary male hormone. While this condition is more commonly seen in older men, it can also affect younger individuals due to various factors. It is important to note that unlike menopause, testosterone deficiency syndrome is not an inevitable consequence of aging.

Testosterone plays a crucial role in a man's libido, muscle mass, as well as mental and physical energy. When testosterone levels are deficient, several symptoms may arise, including reduced libido, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, trouble concentrating or making decisions, poor exercise performance, increase in body fat, loss of lean body mass and bone density, depression, impaired job performance, and negative changes in cholesterol levels.

Determining the cause of testosterone deficiency can sometimes be challenging. In some cases, excessive secretion of pituitary hormones may interfere with testosterone production or availability. However, for many individuals, no specific cause can be identified. In such situations, testosterone replacement therapy is often an effective treatment option.

Testosterone deficiency syndrome not only presents with symptoms but can also contribute to the development or worsening of various illnesses. These include an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death from cardiovascular events, metabolic syndrome (characterized by high blood pressure, elevated insulin levels, excess abdominal fat, and abnormal cholesterol levels), a strong association with diabetes, atherosclerotic disease of the aorta, a higher occurrence of prostate cancer, and an association with more aggressive cancer variants.

Diagnosing testosterone deficiency is typically done through a simple blood test. Treatment approaches vary depending on the underlying cause. If a specific cause is identified, targeted treatment can be implemented. For example, excess pituitary secretion may require medication or surgery. However, when no particular cause is found, testosterone replacement therapy is commonly recommended.

Testosterone replacement therapy aims to raise testosterone levels in the body through regular administration of testosterone. There are several forms of this therapy available, including testosterone patches (replaced daily), testosterone gels (applied daily), intramuscular testosterone injections (given every one to four weeks), and testosterone "pellets" (implanted under the skin, providing steady testosterone levels for 4-6 months). It is worth noting that certain forms of testosterone therapy, such as testosterone wafers and long-lasting oral preparations, may not be available or recommended in certain regions.

Before initiating testosterone therapy, it is crucial for patients to understand that it is a lifelong commitment, as it reduces the body's natural production of testosterone. Additionally, testosterone supplementation can increase red blood cell mass, which requires careful monitoring of hematocrit levels.

For more information about Dr. Stengler's practice and his clinic in Encinitas, California, please visit the official website at or contact the clinic at (760) 274-2377.

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