by Dr. Mark Stengler, NMD; Dr. James F. Balch, MD; and Dr. Robin Young Balch, ND
Prescription for Natural Cures: A Self-Care Guide for Treating Health Problems with Natural Remedies Including Diet, Nutrition, Supplements, and Other Holistic Methods, Third Edition.
The team that created the highly popular Prescription for Natural Cures now brings us a revised and refined third edition. The new version contains information from previous editions that still applies, as well as new information on ailments such as gluten sensitivity and MRSA. Millions of people refer to this book for up-to-date, straightforward information on natural treatments for a wide range of commonly found health issues. Now, this newly revised compendium reflects the most recent comprehensive research, studies, and applicable recommendations a broad spectrum of common conditions.
The book contains plain and thorough descriptions of symptoms and root causes of each condition listed. You will also find natural solutions, nutritional advice and proven, specific remedies that may include:
…and other natural cures.
In the revised edition, you will also find: