The new blood thinner dabigatran (Pradaxa) was supposed to be so much safer than warfarin that they claimed you could do away with the regular blood tests required of patients on the older drug. As anyone on warfarin will tell you, that sure sounds convenient. But dabigatran comes with bleeding risks of its own – and now, new research in BMJ finds that 40 percent of serious bleeding incidents and deaths linked to the drug could have been avoided with regular blood tests. Yes, turns out it may not be more convenient after all. And if it’s any safer, it’s not by much. If you require a blood thinner for conditions such as atrial fibrillation and are currently on Pradaxa speak with your cardiologist about this concern. For those who don’t require a prescription blood thinner but want to reduce their risk of blood clots I test for fibrinogen, a protein used in the coagulation process. If your levels are between 180 mg/dL and 350 mg/dL that is optimal. Any higher, and I recommend starting with natural blood thinners such as omega-3 fatty acids and the enzyme nattokinase. Be sure to work closely with a holistic doctor.