Like a lot of other chronic illnesses, depression can be caused by a wide variety of factors and is defined by several out of a long list of symptoms. It affects individuals of all ages, races, and nationalities and according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is the most costly of all diseases mainly because it disables people who would otherwise be productive. It is estimated that 10 percent of the US population experiences depression serious enough to need medical attention with women twice as likely as men to develop depression.
Although it is typically normal and healthy to experience sad moods in response to a trauma like the loss of a loved one, a major depressive episode is characterized by inappropriate sadness that remains, or is out of proportion with its apparent cause. Clinical depression can further be classified into Unipolar depression, marked by recurring episodes of sadness, and bipolar depression, in which the sadness alternates with periods of elation and mania. Unipolar depression is by far the more common of the two. Both kinds of clinical depression can be caused by a number of factors, including chronic tension and unresolved stress, genes, chemical or hormone imbalances, chronic illness, bad diet, food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and even poor sunlight.
If your depression is clearly reactive to stresses or occurrences in your life, a lot of the treatments below may alleviate some of your discomfort and help you work your way through the source of your sadness. Professional therapy is also a good idea. If you think that you are clinically depressed, first speak with a physician to eliminate any underlying illness (such as a thyroid issue) and then see a psychologist or psychiatrist for a diagnosis and suitable treatment. Clearly it is best to work with a medical professional who embraces natural therapies and will work with you to identify the reason for your depression. The ideas here will support your therapy and will also direct you toward potential sources or aggravating factors of your condition.
A depressed individual will typically have several of the following symptoms:
One of the most important dietary considerations to prevent or improve depression is the balance of fats. The American diet has an overabundance of saturated fats (as found in red meat and dairy products) and omega 6 fatty acids (polyunsaturated fatty acids) as found in vegetable cooking oils like soy and corn oils. The brain is mainly made up of fatty acids and requires a constant dietary supply of omega 3 fatty acids. While omega 3 fatty acids are most recognized for their cardiovascular benefit they are quite important for regular mood. Various studies, including a recent one in Psychosomatic Medicine have demonstrated that a relative imbalance between omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids is related to symptoms of depression. (Conklin SM, Manuck SB, Yao JK, Flory JD, Hibbeln JR, Muldoon MF. High omega-6 and low omega-3 fatty acids are associated with depressive symptoms and neuroticism. Psychosom Med. 2007 Dec; 69( 9 ):932 -4. Epub 2007 Nov 8.) Omega 3 fatty acids can be ingested with cold water fish like ocean salmon, sardines, and low mercury content tuna. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and flaxseeds are also healthy sources.
It is also essential to reduce simple sugars in the diet which may aggravate depression. Do eat regular meals so that blood sugar swings do not impact your mood. Avoid artificial sweeteners which may worsen depression in susceptible individuals.
Various studies have shown that exercise is comparable in its benefit to that of depression medications. Routine exercise (3 hours a week) can profoundly reduce depression. (Blumenthal JA, Babyak MA, Doraiswamy PM, Watkins L, Hoffman BM, Barbour KA, Herman S, Craighead WE, Brosse AL, Waugh R, Hinderliter A, Sherwood A.Psychosom Med. 2007 Sep-Oct; 69( 7 ):587 -96. Epub 2007 Sep 10 ).
The brain is made up of fats such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that are required for normal function. As discussed in the Diet and Lifestyle Changes, omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the prevention and treatment of depression. Because many individuals do not eat sufficient amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, supplements like fish oil are preferable. Low blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids are linked to depression. (Maes M, Christophe A, Delanghe J, et al. Lowered omega3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids and cholesteryl esters of depressed patients. Psychiatry Res 1999; 85:275 -91. Tiemeier H, van Tuijl HR, Hofman A, et al. P Plasma fatty acid composition and depression are associated in the elderly: the Rotterdam Study. Am J Clin Nutr 2003; 78:40 -6.)
A study released in the Archives of General Psychiatry 70 patients with constant depression despite ongoing treatment with a sufficient dose of a standard antidepressant. Patients were randomized on a double-blind basis to placebo or fish oil at dosages of 1, 2, or 4 grams daily for 12 weeks in addition to unaltered medications. Researchers found individuals who took the lowest dose of fish oil at 1-gram daily showed significant improvements on all major measures of depression compared to those who took a placebo. More specifically, 69% of the patients who took the 1-gram dose had a 50% decrease in their symptoms, compared to only 25% of those that took a placebo. (Peet M, Horrobin DF.)
A dose-ranging study of the effects of ethyl-eicosapentaenoate in individuals with ongoing depression despite apparently adequate treatment with standard drugs. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002 Oct; 59(10):913 -9.)
Deficiencies of these nutrients might lead to symptoms of depression. Deficiencies of these nutrients are more common in vegetarians and seniors. A multivitamin might be enough to provide these nutrients and help depression. Researchers from the University of Sheffield selected 225 older hospitalized patients (average age 75) to receive daily multivitamin and mineral supplements or a placebo in addition to the regular hospital diet. After six months, there was a significant increase in the number of patients with no symptoms of depression in the supplement group (from 67% to 76%) compared to the placebo group as well as a decrease in patients with symptoms of moderate (25% to 21%) or severe (8% to 3%) depression. Levels of folate and vitamin B12 increased significantly in those taking supplements and decreased in the placebo group. (S. Gariballa, S. Forster, Clinical Nutrition, July 25, 2007)