The consumption of fermented foods has gained much popularity in recent years. That being said, using fermented foods is nothing new. There is a long history of human production of fermented foods. The initial use of fermented foods was to prolong preservation to avoid spoilage. The most common examples in America would be yogurt and cheese. Other common fermented foods include kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh, natto, miso kimchi, wine, beer, cider, and sourdough bread.
The basic process of food fermentation involves microbes like yeast (e.g., Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and bacteria (e.g., Lactobacillus) that metabolize foods such as the starch and sugars in plant products to make organic acids, carbon dioxide, and alcohol in an anaerobic condition. The byproducts of alcohol and organic acids increase the acidity of the food and precent the growth of other microbes. There are two primary types of fermentation. The first is naturally occurring fermentation, also referred to as "wild ferments" or "spontaneous ferments." This is the action of microorganisms existing in the raw food. Common examples would be sauerkraut, kimchi, and different fermented soy goods. The second form of food fermentation is using starter cultures, also referred to as "culture-dependent ferments", which are added to raw foods.
The fermentation process can be applied to most any type of food including plant and animal materials. The popularity of fermented foods is global, and the types depend on the location. In South and East Asia and southern India fermented legumes, vegetables, fish, and meat are common. In East Asia, Northern India, Europe, and North America fermented dairy, meat products, and grains are more common. The regions of Africa and South America it is common for the inhabitants to consume fermented seeds, legumes, milk, and meat products.
In the journal Nutrients, researchers report that the consumption of fermented foods has a modulating or balancing effect on the gut microbiome. Fermented foods themselves include a large and diverse microbiome. The authors note that several studies have been done which show a healthier microbiome diversity in individuals who eat fermented foods as compared to individuals who do not. Several but not all of these studies were performed with fermented dairy products.
Another advantage of fermented foods is that they increase polyphenol bioavailability. As I stated previously in this chapter, polyphenols promote the growth of healthy flora. Furthermore, fermented foods increase the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) when fiber is broken down by microbes. The SCFA also promotes a healthy gut microbiome and intestinal mucosa. One example of a SCFA made by fermentation is acetate. Vinegar is an example of a fermented food that contains high levels of acetate. Various cheeses are also sources of SCFA.
Researchers have shown that fermented foods are more easily digested as they partially digest protein. Moreover, they can release bioactive peptides from fermented foods which have health benefits. In addition, they lower substances which prevent the absorption of nutrients and toxins.
And last but not least, The Journal of Nutrition reports that studies recommend that fermented food consumption supports metabolic and immune mediated conditions.
I recommend you eat two or more of the fermented food products (with the exception of alcohol) regularly. If you are dairy sensitive, there are numerous non-dairy fermented products available on the market. For example, most mornings I consume coconut or macadamia nut yogurt.