If there’s one thing you need to know about cancer, it’s that most types of it do not have a strong genetic cause.
That means that despite what you may have heard, one of the most effective ways to prevent cancer isn’t a breakthrough drug… or radical surgery.
It’s not even a natural supplement.
In fact, the latest research states that up to 70 percent of cancer cases could be prevented by “a broad range of interventions at multiple levels.”
To put it plainly: simple lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce your risk for cancer!
Now, I’m sure you’ve heard that quitting smoking – or never taking it up in the first place – is a great way to reduce your odds of getting cancer. And you may even know that limiting the amount of alcohol you drink and maintaining a healthy body weight can do the same.
But, my friend, there’s yet another powerful way to prevent cancer that people aren’t talking about nearly enough… and that can be BLOCKBUSTER for cancer prevention, when combined with these other lifestyle changes.
I’m talking about exercise.
Now, before you groan at the mere mention of exercise, let me explain what a PROFOUND difference it can make.
Higher levels of physical activity have been found to reduce the risk of HALF the types of cancers reviewed in an analysis of data from more than a million Europeans and Americans.
The cancers that were most impacted by exercise included three of the most common cancers in the U.S. – lung, breast, and colorectal cancer – as well as:
And it reduced the risk of developing those cancers significantly – by at least 10 percent to as much as 42 percent.
Regular exercise appears to lower your cancer risk in a variety of ways – but primarily by balancing your hormones, boosting your immunity, reducing inflammation, and clearing out the toxins that may cause cancer in the first place.
For example, women who are physically active tend to have lower levels of estrogen – a hormone that, at high levels, are strongly associated specifically with breast and endometrial cancer.
Not only that, but when the hormone insulin continuously spikes due to poor blood sugar control, it fuels cancer cells.
Insulin spikes can also suppress the immune system, as does the “stress” hormone cortisol – and, if you’re at risk for developing cancer, you need your immunity to stay in prime condition, ready for battle.
But exercise has been proven to BOOST your immune system – thereby strengthening your ability to FIGHT OFF those cancer cells so they don’t develop into cancerous tumors.
We are bombarded with tens of thousands of man-made chemicals in our environment, with many of them known to be carcinogenic – that is, to cause cancer. But exercise reduces the inflammation that almost always accompanies toxicity – and that is strongly associated with most cancers.
When you exercise, it improves blood flow through your organs – particularly those involved in detoxification, such as the kidneys and liver, making sure those toxins get filtered and moved OUT of your body rather than hanging around and causing trouble. Even mild physical activity can also make you sweat, and sweating gives toxins yet another way out of your body – through your skin.
You can benefit from exercise that’s as little as a half hour of “moderate” intensity activity just five days a week, according to a study recently published in JAMA Oncology. Moderate activity is something you’d be able to talk while doing – but maybe not sing. That means walking briskly… gardening… golfing… and even playing with the grandkids.
Adapted with permission from Dr. Stengler’s Health Revelations: www.healthrevelations.com